Kids Workout 1 Beginners 15 Min workout. Teach a child how to get in shape with exercises. Maurice takes you through a beginning workout for kids of all ages, even teens and adults. It's fun and healthy workout. Join in!
Kids HIIT Workout 2 Back in rotation, kids HIIT workout, will build endurance, timing, coordination, and strength. Maurice takes you through a HIIT workout for all ages, give it a try!
HealthWorks! Youth Fitness 101 - Warm Up | Cincinnati Children's. These exercises are a great way to get your blood flowing and prepare your body to exercise. Static and dynamic stretching are included for an overall body warm up. This exercise routine focuses on flexibility and increasing your body's range of motion.
HealthWorks! Youth Fitness 101 - Cardio 1 | Cincinnati Children's. Keep your heart rate up throughout this entire cardiovascular exercise routine. Cardio 1 will engage legs, arms and core muscles for a great aerobic exercise. No equipment needed, just your own body.
HealthWorks! Youth Fitness 101 - Cool Down | Cincinnati Children's. Allow your body to relax with this cool-down routine. This is a great way to slow down the heart rate and allow your muscles to relax. This cool-down will help calm the mind and fully recover the muscles after exercising.
KIDS WORKOUT ! Full 25 min exercise routine program for kids and parents lose weight.
Join Abby Wills, Sportskool's Youth Yoga instructor as she outlines the basics of Yoga.